DIY: Children’s Magnetic Table

A vase of flowers on a table

This fun and easy table is a perfect learning tool for any child’s bedroom, or even a school classroom! With the top being magnetic, this dual purpose table is perfect for magnetic letters or magnetic poetry sets and can also be used as a craft or coloring table.

For this project, you will need:

– A small wood coffee table (something lower to the ground)

– Red colored, latex based paint

– Blue colored, latex based paint

– Yellow colored, latex based paint

– Magnetic paint primer

– Regular paint primer

– Medium grit sand paper

– Tack cloth

You will want the table to be unstained, unpainted wood prior to beginning this project. If the table does have paint or stain, use a bit of paint stripper (available at your local home improvement store) according to manufacturer directions.

Start by lightly sanding down the table with medium grit sandpaper. Once the entire table has been lightly sanded, remove all dust with a tack cloth. (It is important that there is no excess sanding dust on the table before painting, or it can interfere with the paint.)

Coat the entire table with a single coat of regular primer. Allow the table to dry completely. Apply a thick coat of magnetic paint primer to the top of the table. Allow the magnetic primer to dry completely. Test the top by placing a magnet on the table top. If it isn’t strong enough, apply a second coat of magnetic paint primer. (Note: the strength should adhere the magnet to the table, but not be too strong for little hands to remove magnets. If after a couple coats the magnetic factor is too strong, use paint thinner, sand the project, and start the painting process over.)

Paint the table top blue over the magnetic primer. Allow the paint to dry completely. Again, test the magnetic strength of the table. Next, paint two of the table legs red and two of the table legs yellow. Let the paint set and dry overnight before use. And after a hard work, you could reward yourself and play some fun sports betting games via

TIP: For a customized look, paint the child’s name on the table with a small artist’s paintbrush and acrylic paint. Also, other colors of latex based paint can be used to paint the table, such as pinks, greens or purples. Mix and match for a customized look tailored to your child’s bedroom. Paint matching child’s mini-chairs for a complete activity center. For an additional bonus, find a table with a removable top and underside bin for extra art supply and learning tool storage.